Examples of Russian disinformation and the facts

type: Article

The Federal Government does not claim to be the keeper of the truth. It protects freedom of expression and emphasises the outstanding importance of independent media and fact checks by civil society. However, the Federal Government takes a firm stance against the deliberate dissemination of false information.

Below are examples of disinformation which the Russian government is continually spreading via various platforms, including in Germany, in connection with its war of aggression against Ukraine. The Federal Government provides the facts to confront this disinformation.

In einem schwarzen Kreis ist ein rotes X geschrieben worden

Disinformation:Germany ran its own military-biological programme in Ukraine and was involved in research on biological weapons.

In einem schwarzen Kreis ist ein grüner Haken geschrieben worden

Fact:Germany has never carried out research on biological weapons in Ukraine, neither by itself nor together with Ukrainian bodies.

In einem schwarzen Kreis ist ein rotes X geschrieben worden

Disinformation:Ukraine is governed by a neo-Nazi regime.

In einem schwarzen Kreis ist ein grüner Haken geschrieben worden

Fact:The democratically elected Ukrainian government, whose president is of Jewish origin, does not support any neo-Nazi ideology.

In einem schwarzen Kreis ist ein rotes X geschrieben worden

Disinformation:Ukraine is committing genocide against the Russian-speaking population in eastern Ukraine.

In einem schwarzen Kreis ist ein grüner Haken geschrieben worden

Fact:Ukraine is not committing genocide on its own people. Numerous reports on the human rights situation in Ukraine, which are published regularly by the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights, and reports by the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine set up by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), have refuted this accusation. On the contrary, the Russian president is misusing a term that is clearly defined in the 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

In einem schwarzen Kreis ist ein rotes X geschrieben worden

Disinformation:Russia is not committing any war crimes. The Bucha massacre was staged by Ukrainian forces.

In einem schwarzen Kreis ist ein grüner Haken geschrieben worden

Fact:There is extensive evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine, especially against civilians. Independent media outlets have documented numerous cases of rape and torture by Russian troops as well as arbitrary and targeted killings of civilians in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. For example, employees of Human Rights Watch in Ukraine have also documented war crimes in the Ukrainian city of Bucha, near Kyiv.

In einem schwarzen Kreis ist ein rotes X geschrieben worden

Disinformation:Western governments have imposed sanctions on Russia because of their Russophobia, and Russians are experiencing systematic discrimination in the West.

In einem schwarzen Kreis ist ein grüner Haken geschrieben worden

Fact:The sanctions imposed on Russia are merely a reaction to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. This war is a blatant breach of international law. The overwhelming majority of people in Germany are able to distinguish between the views and actions of the Russian government on the one hand and Russian nationals and ethnic Germans from Russia on the other. The Federal Government places a high priority on combating all forms of discrimination.