Security measures for EURO 2024: Official opening of the International Police Cooperation Center

type: News , Topic: Security , Date: 10 June 2024

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser opens the IPCC 2024 and welcomes staff from Germany and abroad.

Nancy Faeser, Federal Minister of the Interior, and Herbert Reul, Interior Minister of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, today officially inaugurated the joint federal and state International Police Cooperation Center (IPCC) 2024 in Neuss. During EURO 2024, the men’s European Football Championship, which runs from 14 June to 14 July, the IPCC is coordinating the sharing of information among the security authorities, at both national and international level. This is where all information related to the security of the tournament comes together. Several hundred officers work at the IPCC 2024, including about 230 from other European countries. They collect and evaluate information and forward it as needed, so that action can be taken quickly in the event of an emergency.


Federal Minister Nancy Faeser
“The International Police Cooperation Center is the beating heart of national and international information-sharing.”


Sharing knowledge and experience on everything from disaster management to cyber threats

During a major event like EURO 2024, general crime, like pickpocketing and property damage, can be expected to rise. To keep that from happening, the federal and state police forces are maintaining a visible presence in all host cities and wherever large numbers of people gather. They are also prepared for violent crimes and brawling by hooligans.

Staff of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community are coordinating the federal operational forces and supporting the IPCC command. The Federal Police and the Federal Criminal Police Office are also working in the IPCC 2024. The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) and the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) are represented in Neuss as well, in order to respond with warning systems or technical assistance in the event of a large-scale emergency. The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) is there to help prevent threats from cyberspace. A number of cyber security experts and staff from the intelligence services are on hand to deal with other threat situations, including extremist and terrorist threats.

At the opening ceremony, Federal Minister Faeser stressed that "our security authorities are doing everything possible to make sure that EURO 2024 runs safely and smoothly." She added that the safety of fans and teams, "our guests and everyone in our country has the highest priority." That is where the IPCC 2024 has a key role to play.