Working with Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia to fight drug cartels

type: News , Topic: Security , Date: 04 March 2024

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser concludes her tour of South America, having reached agreements on closer operational police cooperation to combat organised crime

During her visit to Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser reached agreements on closer operational police cooperation with all four countries in order to systematically fight organised crime and drug trafficking. "The multi-billion-euro business of the drug cartels causes an unbelievable spiral of violence, which we are also seeing in parts of Europe and which we absolutely want to prevent in Germany", Faeser said. Intensive cooperation with the key countries of origin and transit at both operational and political level is essential to fighting this problem.

The massive demand for cocaine in Europe also leads to brutal violence, human trafficking, corruption and environmental devastation in the countries of origin and transit. The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) will contribute its expertise to joint investigations and to basic and advanced training for investigative authorities in these countries. Faeser said, "Together, we want to take action against the criminals operating behind the scenes, uncover financial structures and pass on tips about possible drug shipments as early as possible."


Bundesinnenministerin Faeser
"We want to work together to fight the drug cartels. To this end, I concluded numerous important agreements this week with Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.”

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser, concluding her tour to South America

  • Minister Faeser reached an agreement with Brazil on conducting investigations together in joint investigation teams. By intensifying police cooperation, the aim is to clamp down not only on the narcotics trade, but also on the weapons trade, human trafficking, money laundering and environmental crimes.
  • A comprehensive security agreement is to be reached for the first time with Peru. After talks in Lima with President Dina Boluarte and other top officials, Minister Faeser signed a declaration of intent regarding this agreement. The two countries agreed on a close exchange of information on the methods and approaches of organised crime groups. They also agreed to promote training and further education programmes, as well as international cooperation projects to fight transnational organised crime.
  • Despite the tense security situation in Ecuador, a Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) liaison officer is being stationed there for the first time in order to share information directly with the local investigative authorities.
  • Close police cooperation has also been agreed with Colombia. Martina Link, Vice President of the BKA, signed a joint declaration of intent regarding this cooperation. Prevention projects will also be started with Colombia. They will address topics such as the major dangers of cocaine consumption.

Port security crucial for Europe

The volume of drugs seized has remained at a very high level at the ports of Antwerp (Belgium) and Rotterdam (the Netherlands), Europe’s main gateways for cocaine. Faeser stressed that drugs need to be stopped from reaching “our ports”. This means that German ports and other European ports need to be made even more secure, for example through better corruption prevention measures at the companies operating in the ports.

To tackle this issue, Minister Faeser has invited the members of the Coalition of European countries against serious and organised crime to a meeting at the Port of Hamburg on 7 May. Port security and the resilience of logistical hubs will be key topics at the meeting.