Together, we are making good progress on many issues for Europe”

type: News , Topic: Security , Date: 13 March 2024

Federal Minister Nancy Faeser meets with the French Cabinet in Paris

At the invitation of the French Government, Federal Minister of the Interior and Community Nancy Faeser met with members of the French Cabinet at the Élysée Palace in Paris on Wednesday, a special honour and a sign of the trust and cooperation between France and Germany. One example of this effective cooperation is the successful joint French and German push to reform the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

“Together, we are making good progress on many issues for Europe,” Federal Minister Faeser said. In Paris, she met with France’s Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin and Minister for Sport Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. In addition to the asylum system reform, another key issue now is cooperation on security for the major sporting events this summer: the UEFA EURO 2024 men’s football championship in Germany and the Summer Olympics and Paralympic Games in France.

Federal Minister Nancy Faeser meets with French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin in Paris. Source: Krüger

“We are looking forward to a great summer of sport, and we will manage it with close German–French cooperation. The European men’s football championship in Germany and the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris will bring millions of people from all over the world together for big, joyous festivals of sport. This is especially important now, at this time of Russian aggression and of war in the Middle East,” Federal Minister Faeser said, adding that “security for these sporting events has the highest priority. And we will provide security together. We are planning close cooperation between our police forces, for example using joint police units and patrols on trains travelling between Germany and France. We also work very closely with each other in the area of counter-terrorism.”

During her visit in Paris, Federal Minister Faeser thanked her hosts for the friendly neighbourly relations and strong partnership between France and Germany.