Legal prerequisites established to manage migration

type: News , Topic: Migration , Date: 02 February 2024

Bundesrat approves modernisation of Germany’s nationality law and a bill to improve returns

On 2 February 2024, the Bundesrat approved the modernisation of Germany’s nationality law. This will make Germany more attractive to highly qualified skilled workers and will create prospects for well-integrated people. A bill to improve returns was also approved, aiming to simplify the return of those who do not have any prospects for remaining permanently in Germany to their home countries.


Bundesinnenministerin Faeser
"We will only be able to attract the brightest people if they can become an integral part of our society within the near future – with access to all democratic rights."

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser on the modernisation of Germany’s nationality law

Nationality law modernised

Given the international competition for highly qualified workers, the modernisation of Germany’s nationality law now provides such workers with prospects for staying in Germany permanently. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser was pleased that the reform had overcome the final obstacle. "Finally, our law will be able to meet the demands of our diverse society. Finally, we are recognising the histories and accomplishments of many people in our country who moved here a long time ago and have been contributing to our country. The message is very clear: you belong in Germany!" According to Faeser, people who are well-integrated in society will have the chance to acquire a German passport more quickly in future. However, effective integration is still a prerequisite for these individuals to acquire German citizenship.

Dual citizenship is now possible. Naturalisation is possible after a minimum residence period of five years; for particularly well-integrated candidates who have shown a high level of civic engagement, this period is reduced to three years. At the same time, the Nationality Act sets stringent requirements that must be met by anyone applying for German citizenship, including very good German language skills and financial self-sufficiency.

Commitment to our free and democratic constitutional system

In order to be naturalised, candidates must demonstrate clear commitment to the values enshrined in Germany’s constitution. Faeser clarified: "If you do not share our values, you cannot become German. We have made this crystal clear in the law. As a consequence, anyone with antisemitic or racist views cannot be naturalised. We live by the values of our constitution."

New law will speed up the return process

For migration to be accepted by society as a whole, those who do not have the right to stay in Germany must leave our country – quickly and reliably. Germany is open to people fleeing war and terror. But not all asylum seekers are in this situation. The new law will make it easier to return individuals to their home countries if they do not have any prospects of remaining permanently in Germany. Expanded search options and an extension of the custody to secure departure will make it easier for the police to search for documents and data on the identity of the people concerned (for example to establish their home countries), as well as to find people in shared accommodation facilities who are to be deported.
In addition, the new law also makes it possible to deport more criminal offenders and people who pose a potential threat, and to do so faster. It also targets organised crime and people smugglers more strongly. "We are making it easier to expel members of criminal organisations," Faeser clarified.