"Germany’s new nationality law meets the needs of our times"

type: News , Date: 19 January 2024

Bundestag approves act to modernise nationality law.

Today, the Bundestag has concluded its deliberations on the government bill to modernise nationality law. The modernisation of Germany’s Nationality Act (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz) aims to make Germany more attractive for highly qualified skilled workers and to provide future prospects for well-integrated people. With this legislation, the Federal Government has initiated a long-overdue paradigm shift.


Porträtfoto von Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser
"When people acquire German citizenship, this promotes and accelerates integration in many areas. Anyone who takes this step shows that they identify with our country, our democracy and our values".

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser

Modernising nationality law

Given the international competition for highly qualified workers, the modernisation of Germany’s nationality law aims to provide such people with prospects for staying in Germany permanently. However, the Act also targets people who have been living in Germany for many years without acquiring German citizenship. Minister Faeser stressed that acquiring German citizenship marks the final step of a successful integration process. The bill enables naturalised citizens to hold dual citizenship and stipulates that naturalisation is possible after a minimum residence period of five years; for particularly well-integrated candidates who have shown a high level of civic engagement, this period is reduced to three years. At the same time, the Act sets stringent requirements that must be met by anyone applying for German citizenship, including very good German language skills and financial self-sufficiency.

Clear commitment to the values enshrined in our constitution

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser emphasised: “Let there be no doubt that those who do not share the values of our constitution cannot become German citizens. We will make sure of that.” Only people who are committed to our free and democratic order can become German citizens. A commitment to Israel's existence and security is part of Germany’s national ethos, and Jewish life is part of Germany. Whoever wants to become part of our society must subscribe to these key lessons derived from German history.