Current topics of Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community

Together against antisemitism and incitement

type: News , Topic: Security , Date: 19 October 2023

The EU home affairs ministers address the impact of the Hamas terrorist attack against the State of Israel.

The home affairs ministers of the European Union (EU) met in Luxembourg today to discuss Europe’s security in light of Hamas’s acts of terror against the Israeli population. Federal Minister of the Interior and Community Nancy Faeser condemned the Islamist-motivated attacks in Brussels and France in the strongest possible terms. "I have assured my colleagues of our full solidarity and support. Our security agencies are working closely together in the fight against Islamist terrorism," the federal minister said.

The security situation in Germany       

With regard to Germany, she emphasised that protecting Jewish citizens and institutions is a top priority. In order to ensure this, security measures have been increased across all federal states.

Federal Minister Faeser also expressed her concern about the violent demonstrations in Berlin: "People in Germany have the right to freedom of assembly and it is okay to take to the streets to protest. But it is not okay to use violence in demonstrations – especially violence against police officers." According to Faeser, the state must respond to such situations by stepping up the police presence.


Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser
"We will need to find ways to ensure that criminal offenders are actually deported."


Enforcing returns

Yesterday, the European Commission presented the EU Action Plan for the Eastern Mediterranean migration route. In this action plan, the European Commission notes that additional measures for returns to countries of origin or third countries are needed. In their discussion in the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council, the EU home affairs ministers focused on rigorous deportations of criminal offenders and persons considered a potential terrorist or extremist threat. One possible approach would be to adopt further migration agreements with the countries of origin and transit. According to Federal Minister Faeser, enforcing the return of persons posing a security threat is "indispensable".

Temporary border checks to counter illegal migrant smuggling

Together with her Austrian counterpart, Gerhard Karner, Faeser made it clear that temporary checks at the EU’s internal borders served to increase the efficiency of joint investigations of illegal migrant smuggling. Almost one in four refugees enters Germany with the help of smugglers. "We must put a stop to this cruel business which has so little regard for people’s lives,” the federal minister said.

Questions and answers related to the temporary checks at the EU’s internal borders