"Poland has our full solidarity"

type: News , Topic: Migration , Date: 18 November 2021

Federal Minister Seehofer has meet with his Polish counterpart, Mariusz Kaminski

Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has been meeting with representatives of the Polish government in Warsaw to discuss the situation at the external border of the European Union.

Federal Minister Seehofer has meet with his Polish counterpart, Mariusz Kaminski, and with representatives of the Polish Border Guard, among others.

Mr Seehofer expressed his solidarity with Poland in view of the hybrid threat posed by Belarus. "Germany’s acting Federal Government has taken a very clear stance: we support Poland in securing the European Union’s external border," Mr Seehofer said before leaving for Warsaw. Mr Seehofer also said he was concerned about the humanitarian emergency at the border.

However, he said that setting up stationary border checks at the German–Polish border was not an option. "That would be stabbing Poland in the back. And we must avoid that at all costs." The number of people entering Germany illegally at the German–Polish border has fallen in recent days.

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