Do I need to do anything to safeguard my right of residence in Germany?

type: Frequently asked

You must act to safeguard your right of residence in Germany if you

  • do not have German citizenship,
  • are living or working in Germany on 31 December 2020 and
  • one of the following cases applies to you:
    • you are a UK national or
    • as a family member of a UK national, you have one of these German documents:
      • a residence card or
      • a permanent residence card or
    • On 31 December 2020, you were a family member of a UK national who was living in Germany on 31 December 2020 and you later move to Germany to join the UK national.

Family members in this sense are spouses, civil partners and children below 21 years of age. Other relatives in an ascending or descending line (parents, (great-)grandparents, children, (great‑) grandchildren, etc.) are affected if they receive financial or in-kind support from UK nationals. Other relatives and partners can be considered by discretion, i.e. after taking a close look at the individual case.